
원데이요리수업 메뉴 _ 강남 요리학원



다양한 수업이 진행이 되고 있는 강남역에 위치한 시사쿡요리아카데미 입니다. 

원하시는 수업은 신청해서. 원하는 메뉴만 배울 수 있습니다. 


Confectionery Class Korean-style confectionery to learn in Seoul

3월에 시작하는 제과과정입니다. 한국스타일의 제과를 만들어 볼 수 있습니다.

It's a confectionery course that starts in March.
You can make Korean-style confectionery.


Confectionery Class Korean-style confectionery to learn in Seoul

The class lasts for three hours, but you can learn from the menu that is not difficult. It will be more fun if you come and take the class with your friend.




It's a Korean cooking class.
It's a good idea to check the one-day timetable because it's a different schedule every day.


There is a timetable that has already been set, but there is also a timetable for learning the menu you want.

It changes from month to month. If you ask us, we will make a timetable accordingly.

Usually, cooking classes are held for two hours.
We will make sure to take it with you after the class.

I think it would be fun to learn with my friends and family.

The class will be conducted in Korean, and we will give you a recipe in English.




Beef Chow Mein / Asian Cooking class in Seoul 

Mongolian Beef Recipe Chinese fusion dish. Make simple beef chowmen in Korea.

A noodle dish made by stir-frying.
It is also well known for its Chinese and Mongolian cuisine.
It's a food that's usually ordered at an iron plate restaurant.

You can mix and eat various ingredients according to your taste.

Sisa Cook Cooking Academy offers the most basic Korean food and various home cooking classes.

You can learn to cook simple dishes for two hours, and try making them at home.


contact 02-570-4422
Alex Park

막걸리 수업 : 시사쿡 겨울 한정 특강 수업


당일치기 원데이 수업으로 막걸리 수업이 있습니다.

겨울에 막걸리가 더 땡기는 것은 아무래도 

전과 파전, 빈대떡이 맛나는 겨울이라서 그런거 같아요.



1월 26일 금요일

막걸리 수업이 진행됩니다.
문의: 02-570-4522

학원에서 만들어보는 막걸리
바로 성공적인 집에서 만들어보는 막걸리. 

참고로. 먹걸리와 어울리는 요리수업은 별도로 진행이 된다고 합니다.


Bakery class schedule for January 2024 in Seoul, Korea


Confectionery and Baking Classes in Korea
It's a class where you make it simple with various ingredients.


It is located in Gangnam, Seoul.
You can get off at Gangnam Station on Subway Line 2.


Korean cooking class schedule for January 2024

The new year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon.
Let me introduce you to a fun Korean cooking class

You can learn to cook different dishes every month.
Sisa Cook Cooking Academy is also offering you traditional Korean food and home-style Korean cooking classes.

It is located in Gangnam, Seoul.
You can get off at Gangnam Station on Subway Line 2.


Korean Cooking Class =  2023.12 Schedule. 한국요리수업

Korean Cooking Class =  2023.12 Schedule. 한국요리수업


Korean Cooking Class =  2023.12 Schedule. 한국요리수업

Korean Cooking Class =  2023.12 Schedule. 한국요리수업

Korean Cooking Class =  2023.12 Schedule. 한국요리수업







This is a dessert pie made with pumpkin. Would you like to learn together? This is a pie made by filling boiled pumpkin flesh with sugar, honey, cinnamon, and whipped cream, filling the paste, and baking it. It is expected to take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to make.



Short Korean Food Lesson in Seoul

Expand your knowledge of Korean cuisine by visiting various local markets in Seoul.
You don't have to worry about the language.
Classes to learn Korean necessary for cooking are conducted together.
You will have time to learn and make various Korean food ingredients.

Cooking classes are held daily.
You can choose to take classes at your own time.
The cooking class lasts 2 hours.
There are many fun cooking classes available.

Which Korean food do you like?
Have you ever made Korean cuisine?

We hope you will learn to cook with us.

please give us a call Or email me.


It is located very close to Gangnam Station.



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